The lords weddings LLC, issues marriage license and marriage certificates and vow renewal marriage certificate. As such, the lords weddings LLC, is not responsible for any occurrences or actions, that happens within your marriage and or life of getting married at The lords weddings, LLC.
To use the lords weddings LLC as a place to do your marriage registration/record keeping or vow renewal marriage registration/recording keeping, preserving, upholding and respecting your loved relationship of the lord, you agree to waive your right to sue by agreeing and abiding to the lords weddings LLC’s lawsuit waiver that holds you harmless to The lords weddings, LLC and its affiliates, as such, no lawsuit shall be bought against the lords weddings LLC or its affiliates for any reason within any country or from any country.
As per what our security and privacy policy states, although the lords weddings LLC, will not sell your personal information to any third party person (s) or business entity (s) and as all your personal information, will be kept secured, as leaks can happen by using our services, you have agreed to abide by our lawsuit waiver policy by not suing The lords weddings LLC and any of its affiliates if such occurrences happens.
if you are denied a marriage license and marriage certificate and vow renewal marriage certificate due to birth certificate and ID verification reasoning, you agree to waive your right to sue by agreeing and abiding to the lords weddings LLC’s lawsuit waiver that holds you harmless to The lords weddings LLC and its affiliates, as such, no lawsuit shall be bought against the lords weddings LLC and its affiliates for any reason within any country or from any country.

  • The name “The Lords weddings” will be trademarked protected
  • The lords weddings LLC’s logo, will be copyright protected and trademarked.
  • The lords weddings LLC’s, slogan, will be trademarked protecting the kind of service offered and to whom.
  • The lords weddings LLC’s website, will be trademarked and copyright protected.
  • As such, to use the lords weddings name for money generating purposes, authorization is required from the lords weddings owner/management team.
  • To use the lords weddings logo for money generating purposes, authorization is required from the lords weddings owner/management team.
  • To use the lords weddings slogan for money generating purposes, authorization is required from the lords weddings owner/management team.
  • If no authorization is seeked 1st, you can be sued.
  • As such, as the lords weddings LLC’s service is trademark protected, any copying this services as per service rendered and to whom and as per processing standards utilized to perform this services, will be sued.