More about us, is programmed like about us/the lords weddings origins, only at more about us, picture upload can take place. Within More about US template, have the below there for now and it will be upload before opening the lords weddings fully.

As a true believer that loves the lord God and as am one that have experienced several adverse oppression and prosecution amongst those certain government entities and many person (s), as stated oppressive acts and prosecution, is an attack to my faith and relationship with the lord God in heaven, I decided to take a stand as I stand as a representative of the lord God in heaven, defending and protecting those real Christians, real lovers of God and those true followers of God that want to know him and love knowing him thirsting for the goodness that is him always.


When it comes to life, we uphold and believe marriage is a union between MAN AND WOMAN as willed and ordained by God.
When it comes to marriage, we acknowledge, uphold, and respect the lords name in heaven and on earth.
When it comes to marriage, we protect Christians and those that love and fear the lord God
When it comes to marriage, we uphold Christians faith and those that love and fear the lord God
When it comes to life, we believe Christians should not be prosecuted, condemned, tortured, punished and bullied for their faith and belief system.
When it comes to life, we believe no one should force their beliefs on others.
When it comes to life and as all are human beings, we believe none should be killed or tortured for not living their life to the standard that is of the lord God Almighty.
When it comes to life and as all are human beings, we believe in effective communication and handlings that guides, makes sense, does not lie, does not confuse, does not cause despair and most importantly, does not cause loss of faith in the Lord God Almighty.
When it comes to life, the Lord God is the judge of all and all in the lords eye, are dust.
Here, we let the lord God rule as we believe in the lords supremacy.
Here, love rules and the lords name is not used in vain.